While it may sound scary, labral tears are a common injury to the shoulder. However, these tears can happen in several ways, leading to three types of tears. To ensure you are receiving the right labral tear shoulder treatment for you, working with an experienced orthopedic shoulder surgeon is critical. For residents of Lancaster, PA, Dr. Michael Bercik and our team at Lancaster Orthopedic Group and here to help.

Labral Tear Shoulder Treatment Lancaster, PADr. Michael Bercik has spent years in orthopedic traumatology mastering advanced techniques to treat shoulder and elbow ailments. He is a board certified orthopedic surgeon and is dedicated to improving his craft every day. He completed three fellowships, one domestic and two international, to push his skill and expertise level to the next level. Under the guidance of some of the most creative orthopedic minds of our generation, Dr. Bercik has been able to combine techniques from all over the world and bring them here to patients in Pennsylvania and the Northeast region.

Outside of his academic and fellowship experience, Dr. Bercik has shown his dedication to progressing orthopedic medicine through his active part in research and education. He has published several peer review journal articles, authored book chapters, and is driven to continue developing creative ways to bring patients outstanding results. At Lancaster Orthopedic Group, patients can expect to receive state-of-the-art treatment techniques and innovative methods designed to give them the best results in minimal time.

Labral Tear FAQs

What is the labrum?

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint where the humerus (upper arm bone) meets the shoulder blade and is connected by a network or ligaments and soft tissues. The labrum is a type of cartilage within the shoulder joint. The labrum is a type of fibrous cartilage that is found within the socket. This should not be confused with articular cartilage, which is found on the ends of the bone and contributes to gliding within the joint.

What is a labral tear?

There are three distinct types of labral tears, each of which requires its own form of treatment.

Type 1: The first type of labral tear happens when the labrum tears completely off of the bone. This generally happens due to an injury in the shoulder resulting in dislocation or subluxation.

Type 2: The second type of tear involves a tear within the labrum. This often occurs in adults over the age of 40 as a result of fraying of the labrum over time. This type of tear can be asymptomatic. However, in rare cases, a severely torn labrum may get caught in the ball and socket joint and cause a clicking noise.

Type 3: The third type of tear occurs in where the biceps tendon attaches within the upper end of the socket. This typically occurs at the superior end of the socket and is often referred to as a SLAP lesion.

Tears can range dramatically in severity, so discussing with an experienced orthopedic surgeon is important to determine the appropriate course of treatment for your specific condition.

Ready to Begin?

Are you interested in finding the best labral tear shoulder treatment in your area? Lancaster, PA, residents can schedule their first appointment with Dr. Bercik and our team at Lancaster Orthopedic Group by using the “Schedule An Appointment” link in the top right of the website or calling (866) 564-1000.