If you have an extreme injury to the tissues of your shoulder, a reverse shoulder replacement could help you alleviate pain and reduce dependency on damaged soft tissues. While it may sound like a scary procedure, reverse shoulder replacement surgery often leads to remarkable improvements in shoulder mobility. An experienced shoulder replacement surgeon, such as Dr. Michael Bercik at Lancaster Orthopedics, can help you determine whether this procedure is proper for you. Lancaster residents should waste no time in reaching out to get started.

Reverse Shoulder Replacement Lancaster, PADr. Michael Bercik is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon renowned for his outstanding patient care, dedication to academic pursuits, and advanced knowledge in shoulder and elbow orthopedic methods. Patients can feel confident that Dr. Bercik is dedicated to learning the latest techniques and advanced methods to provide his patients with the best outcomes.

What is Reverse Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

When you have a traditional shoulder replacement, the artificial implant will resemble the natural structure of the shoulder. This involved a metal or plastic “ball” and a corresponding artificial “socket.” Usually, these are placed in the same anatomical position as your humerus (ball) and glenoid (socket). However, in some cases, orthopedic shoulder specialists will recommend that you have a reverse shoulder replacement instead of a traditional procedure. When this is the case, the ball and socket will be switched in position, and the socket will be attached to the upper end of the humerus.

Typically, reverse total shoulder replacements are recommended for those with cuff tear arthropathy. A reverse total shoulder replacement is supported by different muscles to move the arm (the deltoid rather than the rotator cuff), so it is an excellent option for those with significant injury to shoulder muscles that are typically relied on for arm movement.

Who is a Candidate for this Surgery?

A reverse total shoulder replacement may be recommended for patients who:

  • Have cuff tear arthropathy
  • Have previously had an unsuccessful shoulder replacement surgery
  • Have a complex or severe shoulder fracture
  • Have chronic shoulder dislocation
  • Have certain tumor placements
  • Have been unsuccessful in relieving their symptoms with other methods
  • Have a severe rotator cuff tear

How Long is the Procedure?

When you get a reverse total shoulder replacement, you can expect your procedure to last around 2 hours. It is generally done through an incision on the front or top of the shoulder, through which your surgeon will remove the damaged bone and attach the new components.

Is Surgery Painful?

After surgery, you will feel some pain. This is a natural part of the healing process. Your doctor and nurses will work to reduce your pain, which can help you recover from surgery faster.

Your surgeon and anesthesia team will work together to provide you with the pain medication necessary to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. This includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), local anesthetics, and sometimes opioids. However, it is essential to be aware of the potentially addictive nature of opioids and be sure not to use them outside prescribed uses.

Let’s Get Started!

It’s never too soon to seek the care you need to live your best life. If you live in Lancaster and think a reverse shoulder replacement could help you achieve greater comfort in your daily life, schedule your first appointment with Dr. Bercik today. You can schedule your first appointment by clicking the  “Schedule An Appointment” link in the top right of the website or by calling (866) 564-1000.